2024 CAT_website

8M001 32DB SUPREME EAR MUFF Premium protection, quality earmuffs SLC80 32dB Class 5 performance Vinyl cushions, EVA foam, Stainless Steel headband Large cup opening with soft cushions, foam filled for comfort and better sealing properties Twin stirrup stainless steel headband for sustained clamping force, low pressure, fit and comfort Vertical adjusting headband for correct fitting Rolling ear cup pivot pins for wearer comfort and sealing Quality construction for hard working environments Single item display box 24 pairs per Carton Certified to AS/NZS 1270:2002 SMK 40476 SAI GLOBAL AS/NZS 1270:2002 SMK 40476 SAI GLOBAL 8M001 SCAN ME for more detail 32DB SUPREME EAR MUFF A P P A R E L F O R E V E R Y O N E 8M001 539